Existe algo que você pode fazer para reduzir significativamente o impacto que os fatores humanos têm sobre a maioria dos erros. Nem todos os erros te machucam. Alguns erros apenas nos fazem perder tempo e dinheiro ou causam constrangimento. Erros críticos, por outro lado, são os que podem te colocar em contato com alguma forma de energia perigosa. Existem quatro erros críticos que estão envolvidos ou que contribuem para mais de 90% de todas as lesões mais sérias, dentro ou fora do trabalho:
- Olhos longe da tarefa.
- Mente longe da tarefa.
- Entrar (ou estar) na linha de fogo.
- (Perda do) equilíbrio, tração ou firmeza.
O que você realmente está fazendo sobre eles?
Faça o download gratuito desse artigo escrito pelo autor do programa SafeStart, Larry Wilson
Título: Fatores Humanos
Autor:Larry Wilson
Tipo de arquivo:PDF
Tamanho do arquivo:211 KB
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Sobre o autor
Larry Wilson
Larry Wilson is a pioneer in the area of Human Factors in safety. He has been a human factors safety expert for over 30 years and has worked on-site with hundreds of companies worldwide. He is the author of SafaeStart and has also written and produced other safety solutions such as SafeTrack, Rate Your State, BooBooBandits, and HeadStartPro. Larry co-authored the book “Inside Out: Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms” and authored the book “Defenseless Moments: A Different Perspective on Serious Injuries”. He was the moderator and creator of the SafeConnection Expert Panel Webinars, which became the 3rd book, “The Best vs.The Worst – The world’s leading experts tackle the worst and most persistent safety problems…”. More recently, Larry launched his fourth book, “25 Years of Original Thought: Innovations in Safety, Human Error and Performance,” a collection of some of his best articles published in different magazines worldwide.
He is also one of the most active keynote speakers at health and safety conferences around the globe.